Vintage Friday — Singer 128

28 03 2014

On the same antiquing trip where we found the pinking machine, we picked up another sewing machine.

Sitting under a table we spotted this bentwood case.

Singer-128-in-caseI was hoping it was a hand crank machine!  The case was locked so we had to see the clerk for the key and then it was a bit of a job to get it unlocked and the case open.


Turns out it is a Singer 128, sadly not hand crank.  I don’t usually buy vintage electric machines, but this one was in pretty good shape.  And the deal was sealed when we tipped the lid up and Guy spotted an oil can in the holder.  (If you’ve been tolerating me long enough you know he likes to collect the oil cans.)


It’s in the upper right corner of this photo.  The knee lever to run the machine was also in the case (no foot pedal).  The price was right so it has a new home.

At some point Guy will replace the wiring.  It turns out the serial number was pulled in December 1924, so while not technically an antique, it is not too far from it.


Vintage Friday — Singer Pinker

14 03 2014

Guy and I went antiquing in Florence, Colorado last month right before my birthday.  We found a few fun items.  Today I thought I’d share the Singer ball bearing hand operated Pinker.  I’d at seen them online before (and possibly in antique stores).  The timing on this expedition made me more open to spending the money (thinking a big milestone birthday here).

We found this one with the box, instructions, clamp and pinker.  The box is a little beat up, but the “machine” is in fantastic shape.


It just clamps onto a table and then there is an adjustable guide to set for how far away from the edge you want to pink your fabric.  While the machine came with a pinking blade, the directions  say there was an optional Strip Cutter and Trimmer available at any Singer Shop. That blade looks very much like a precursor to rotary cutters.

The box says it is for pinking cloth, felt, oilcloth, leather, etc.  The directions  say it shouldn’t be used on metal.


Since I was taking pictures for you, I thought I’d give it a whirl.

pinker-3It works like a charm!

I don’t know the exact age of this particular machine, but the copyright on the directions is 1933, 1934 and 1935 so sometime after that.

Vintage Friday – Stitch Mistress

2 11 2012

I have collected several toy sewing machines over the years, and I do have a favorite.  It is this little Stitch Mistress.

It was made in the 1940’s and the reason it is my favorite is it belonged to my Mother-in-law when she was a child.  Because I know the history, it is more than just a collectible.  It is a story.   Sandra very graciously gave it to me a few years ago.

She still had it in the original box.

The single page of directions were included as well.

I display my little collection along with some of the wooden spools I’ve purchased.  The larger spools make great pedestals.

The little iron sitting in front also came from Sandra.





Vintage Friday — Singer Oil Cans

14 10 2011

I’m drawn to vintage sewing machines, but Guy feels the pull of oil cans.  He has a small collection going.  He bought all of them except the one for the featherweight, which I purchased.

They are far more interesting than the plastic bottles of today.

Vintage Friday — Sunbonnet Sue

12 08 2011

Among items that came from Guy’s ancestors is a box of Sunbonnet Sue blocks.  I’m not sure who made them, his grandmother or someone further back.

Upon close examination of the blocks, I noticed that all the applique was done with white thread.  So much more frugal than today when I try to match the thread to the piece being appliqued.  And even with the white thread on the darker fabrics the stitches aren’t readily apparent.

In addition to the finished blocks there are at least 13 more cut out and ready to go.

Some are even basted in preparation for applique.

Which means, I know how to proceed when I someday decide to make this project mine and finish it.

Vintage Friday — Bone/Steel Crochet Hooks

29 07 2011

Today’s show and tell is a group of bone and steel crochet hooks.  They belonged to my Grandma Minnie.  She died 30 years ago this month and these crochet hooks were in a box of hooks I inherited.

I don’t know whether my grandmother was the original owner of these hooks or if she inherited them from someone else.  The Boye steel crochet hooks haven’t changed much from those that are still available today.  There are two steel hooks that don’t have the Boye name.  One only has the size and the one on the far right has the size on one side and a cross hatched diamond on the other side.

I wasn’t sure whether the cream-colored hooks were ivory or bone, but I did some research this week and upon close inspection the hooks have a parallel grain line which is indicative of bone pieces.

I honestly havn’te used these tiny hooks, except to pull obvious loose threads from between the layers of a quilt.