
On this blog you will read about family, quilting, other creative outlets and whatever else may be happening in my life.

As of 2015, I don’t have the chance to post here much anymore.  I occasionally make it on to post for students in the various classes I teach.  If you have a question please be aware it maybe some time before I see it.  I have made every attempt to provide links in my posts to pattern/book designers websites.  If you want to know where to get something please read the post before submitting a question — you will probably get your answer faster that way.  Also if a link to a source no longer works, I’m sorry, but I won’t be doing searches to determine if a designer or organization has closed up shop.

25 responses

14 03 2008
linda mckibben


I am currently working on the Storybook Farm quilt and I have a question on the quilting process. Is it really possible to stitch on each and every piece in these quilts as some of them are so tiny. I will make every attempt but I was just wondering how you handle all the tiny pieces on these quilts.

Thanks for any response.

17 04 2008

Sonya, thank you for your great tutorials on multi-hooping. You can bet I’ll back here again.

8 05 2008

Thank you so much for the multi-hooping tutorial.
It is so helpful.
I will be back.
Your work is beautiful.
Keep sharing!
Thanks again

9 05 2008

Do you have videos for sale on digitizing, I have found these very good and would like to have the opportunity to buy the full videos

12 05 2008

This is a reply to Linda’s question.
I have made longer videos for people in club to purchase. I try to warn everyone, these are not professional videos. So far I’ve only sold them to local people, but I would be willing to ship them for $15 each which would include the postage in the U.S. (If you live in Colorado I will need to charge sales tax.) So far I’ve always burned them to CDs, but I could also do DVDs that you could watch on the TV.

These are the subjects for which I’ve made videos:

Alignment Tool Bar (This was my first video and it is available for free on YouTube)
Cross Stitch
Artistic Stitch Effects
Digitizing Redwork
Multi Hooping
Pattern Runs and Fills

I do not claim to be an expert. The videos are what I’ve learned by reading the manual and experimenting.

If you are interested in any of these, I do have a PayPal account or checks would work. I am getting ready to go out of town so wouldn’t be able to do anything until sometime next week.

19 05 2008

I would like to ask you a question about capturing the images from the DMC-usa site for cross stitching. When I place the image in Paint I crop too much – the image includes the square white space on the Paint page. If this is something covered in your lessons, just let me know and I will glady pay for the information. I know how to use the cross stitch program but having trouble getting the image correctly. thank you and I love your Blog!

19 05 2008

The best response I can give you on cropping in Paint is play with it. It is really trial and error to a great extent. I don’t always get it exact, but if it is fairly close it will work. When you are in Paint, around the outside edges of your image there are some very small boxes. One in each corner and one on each side. You can click on those and drag them to crop an image in Paint. This will remove the white background. It can be extremely difficult to get a hold of the ones that are at the top and left edge. You can use “Image” “Flip/Rotate” to change the layout of the image and get to each side. You will know you have your mouse over those little boxes when the cursor turns to a double arrow.

If you have Photoshop or some other graphics program you might find it easier to crop in one of those. I used Paint in my lesson, because everyone that has windows has it. I don’t think having my full up video would help you do the cropping any more accurately.

19 05 2008

Working with the little boxes did the trick!!! I never noticed them and in all my reading, did not see a single mention of this. Thank you!!!!!!

27 05 2008

Thank you, Thank you for the youtube posting of Multihooping! I was completely clueless, and you explained so clearly.

13 06 2008
Alicia Geromel

Dear Sonya,

I am doing my master’s thesis on very small schools. Can you e-mail me and let me know what is the name, location and e-mail of your sons’ school?


5 08 2008
Lynn Hammer

I would like to order your videos. I live in a suburb of Dallas. Can you send me the info. on where to order? I have version 5 software and am a beginner.
Appreciate it very much.


3 03 2009

“I’m adding the embroidery design file to the Free Embroidery download box on the side bar. It is not split, because it would need to be split for whatever size hoop you plan to use. As usual I can make no promises for formats other than ART.”

Help! I can’t locate the Free Embroidery download box on the sidebar that you mentioned. I have a Brother machine, plan on trying one of your projects and will report to you how it stitches.

20 05 2009

I have a Winter Wonderland quilt to quilt and they thought I should just do a large stipple over it. I can’t imagine just doing that over this quilt that has so much hand work on it. What should I do with it, any suggestions?

28 05 2009

You have an amazing blog…so many quilts, so little time! Congrats on “confessing” to all your ufo’s!

26 06 2009
M. Reed

Great website! I’m just starting out in hand applique and your blog is an inspiration. Would love to see pictures of your UFOs. You have nearly as many as I have!

Monique in TX

30 05 2010

Hello –

I noticed that your UFOS list included “All Gods Critters Got a Place in the Choir”. I am looking for an appliqued wallhanging by that title of a large tree with lots and lots of fun animals in its branches. By chance, is that the same pattern you are using? If so, here did you purchase it? I would like to make it for a retiring (next year) music teacher in our school district and have not been able to find it.
Thanks for your help.

1 07 2014
Kelly fillion

I was wondering if you would share your twinkle snowman pillow pattern I have searched everywhere . Kelly

7 09 2015
Keren McLendon

I’m working on the Snowmen A to ZZZZ…. if it doesn’t specify, should I just use one strand of embroidery floss? thanks! Keren

24 10 2015

I’m pretty sure almost all Crabapple Hill designs call for two strands of floss.

18 10 2015
Joyce Cross

Do you have the snowman collector pattern to sell.

24 10 2015

I do not have a pattern to sell. The pattern designer is http://www.stitchconnection.com/ You might contact them or contact your local quilt store to order it for you.

10 01 2016
Kirsten Weiss

I am looking for the Sweet Dreams Pattern Snow Stack. I saw you posted it a long time ago, but I am looking e dry where for the pattern.

17 02 2016

At the time I wrote that post, the link provided worked. I’ve spent a little time searching and it appears there website no longer exists. I also checked distributors since I currently work for a quilt shop and didn’t find anything. Sorry.

16 12 2020
Robin Bird

Hi Sonya, I’m loving your Froendship quilt. Is there a link for the pattern? I’d love to make it!!🥰

18 12 2020

The Friendship Garden Quilt pattern is available from https://www.birdbraindesigns.net/ However, the setting is my own.

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