Sunburst Panto designed in IQ

26 06 2023

I just can’t help myself, I love a challenge. Today’s challenge was to create a Sunburst Pantograph in Intelliquilter. I came up with two ways, but only created a video of one.

If you prefer not to make your own pattern you can download the ones made in this video here and here.

Again with the disclaimer, I haven’t physically stitched out these designs.

Three Quarter Square Curved Crosshatch Pattern

25 06 2023

There was a question on Friends Using IQ on Facebook, asking whether this design could be made on the Intelliquilter. The short answer is yes, but the long answer on how I did it is in the video.

Don’t want to make it yourself? You can download the one I made here.

Disclaimer – I have not done a physical test stitch out of this design.

Its Time Finally Came

2 03 2022

As I’ve mentioned before I’ve been playing along with the American Patchwork and Quilting UFO Challenge. The number for this quilt was drawn in February, and 14 years after making the top, and after two weeks of intense quilting it is finished!!! If you want to read about the process on the top you can here, here and here. I may have gone overboard on pictures, but this is more about the quilting. I’m including the pictures of the commercial patterns I used in the quilt, none of them whole. The rest of the patterns I created myself using my IntelliQuilter. There were some lessons learned, and I would approach some of it differently were I to do it again.

Creating an Apple Core Basket Weave in IQ

28 02 2022

I posted a picture of a pattern I designed in IntelliQuilter on Facebook and a few people said they would like to know how to create it. Here is a video showing the process I used. I would be interested to hear/see other ways people achieved similar results.

Realignment Process When Shutting Down IQ Mid Pantograph

26 05 2021

We went to Oregon in the second half of April, and I have been slammed with work ever since getting home. I haven’t done much but work the last four weeks! I’m gaining on it and feel like I can breathe again. (I am not complaining.)

Our Colorado Springs IQ user group met on Monday I jotted down several ideas for videos. This one is in honor of Janet, who asked the question. I explained in words, but here it is with pictures!

Most of the time I like to do pantographs in one session start to finish. However, when it gets really late at night and there are still hours to go, or a thunderstorm rolls in, I will shut down my machine mid pantograph. This video shows my process for doing that. From setting up a registration mark before shutdown, to alignment upon restarting the machine for my next session. There is already one video on the IQ Demo site covering this, but my process is a little different. Remember there are multiple ways to do things with the IQ, so it would be worth watching both videos and see what works for you!

Odd note: I avoid like crazy having any part of me in my videos except my hands. I failed in this one, I show up as a reflection in the screen at one point. Ignore the waving of hands as I talk.

“Ruler Work” on the IQ

6 04 2021

This video shows how I created a pattern and used it with clipping blocks to give the appearance of ruler work progressing through the quilt using the Intelliquilter. Ruler work isn’t fast no matter how it is accomplished. For me this gives more accurate results than using rulers.

Realigning on IQ

23 03 2021

I know there are already videos discussing how to realign IQ. However, someone in our local IQ user group was having issues and since I’m not there to see what is happening I just made a video of how I realign when stitching out a pantograph design.

When I set up a pantograph, I set up the whole stitching sequence at the very beginning. So things would be a little different if one were to set up just a row at a time.

IQ — Printing All Patterns from a Catalog

24 02 2021

This is just a quick post to share how to print all the patterns from a catalog on the IQ. I’ve put the instructions together in a PDF, so it can be printed if one chooses.

IQ Change Start Point on Spiral Echo

20 02 2021

This is a quick video I did to answer a question on Facebook. I’m going to put it here just so it is easier to find.

IQ Feather Fill for Angel/Bird Wings plus Shingles

16 02 2021

Two days in a row! It looks like I don’t have anything to do. That isn’t accurate, but I had this in my head after working on a project last week and wanted to make the video before I … Oh look a squirrel! Anyway, maybe it will be a starting point for someone out there for another project.