Running Stitch

15 11 2009

If you ever played with hand stitching as a child, this is probably the stitch you did.  I was four years old the first time I remember holding a needle and thread.  The neighbor girls showed me how to sew the edges of fabric together for a Barbie purse.  I’m pretty sure I cut the thread after doing the stitching without knotting off.  I do know these first attempts were a running stitch.

Even before that I had lacing cards similar to this:

vintage lacing cards

I remember playing with them in church.  Going around the shapes was the running stitch.  (If you click on the picture, it should take you to the eBay auction for these.)  I haven’t seen any lacing cards for years.  After searching the net for a picture, I know they are still available.

All that to lead into a video of the running stitch.




One response

15 11 2009

The first time I did a running stitch was when I was 20, and made my first quilt. By hand. And cardboard templates, lol. Took me 20 years.